Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Daily report, 2 Feb 2007

Daily Report
Friday, 2 February 2007

Hello.... This is Indri who makes the first daily report. Ah... it’s really hectic day. Especially for me who couldn't sleep last night.

First, we had a breakfast at 08.00 am. We had bread and jam for breakfast. And also chocolate (I don’t need to mention the detail, right?)

And then we had also cultural exchange preparation in the morning after the breakfast. We made a poster of song. The title title of the song is ‘Gom Semari‘. In the afternoon, we taught that song for the children. They do really enjoy the program. And I’m glad they are very clever. They already could sing the song after we finished teach them.

It was surprise for me, when I was going back for from praying the participants made a surprise party (because this is my birthday. He...he..he.. This is my 19th birthday). They bought a chocholate cake for me, thank you so much, arigatou gozaimashita, gamsahapnida, mucho gracia, mercy beaucoup.

Next, the evening program. We got language class (Korean Language). Actually we got some troubles before the project. The rain was falling down and the electricity was suddenly turned off (unintentionally). So we had to wait the electricity and also the rain to stop then the children will would come to the camp site.

But thank God at 08.00 pm the electricity already turned on, so the program could run well. At the first, the children was shy to go to in front and speak Korean, but at last the children did that. I love the children, they are so smart.

At 08.50 pm we finished the language class, but the children not went home right away. We did some traditional games after the language class because the rain falled down again.

We really finished the activity at 09.30 pm because we would have a meeting. After the meeting we had a crazy game (007 game) to decide the turn of ‘mandi’. And like the day before, we went to bed (actually we went to sleeping bag :D) very late. At 00.30 am Taku couldn’t stand anymore and said that he wanted to sleep, so all of us had to finish our interesting discussion. OK that’s all. I hope the next day will be more exciting and interesting.

3 Feb 07 06.37 am

- We had soup (Indonesian soup—Indri featuring Ayu’s soup) for the dinner. ^_^ It was just like a romantic candle light dinner.
- And we ate Korean food for the lunch, but I’m sorry I forget the name. It was made from rise cake. Thank you......

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